KC Montero is one of the funniest men I know. He doesn’t miss a beat and is quite witty. It reveals that he’s definitely more than meets the eye.
It’s because of this that I wasn’t surprised when one day KC told me about Maria, streaming on Netflix this May 17. An action flick starring Cristine Reyes, KC also takes the spotlight as the bad guy. “They basically let me do what I want,” he says about the script. “I had a lot of fun.”
KC says that for the role of Victor, he watched a lot Denzel Washington films to absorb that bad guy persona. He also grew the beard so you may not recognize him. And that’s also the fun part. You can see how KC is diverse in what he can do.
Back to being him as a funny man. If you don’t believe him just yet, watch how we played a game with him. It’s what we asked in return for him to be able to talk about Maria. LOL!