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Culture January 29, 2019 SHARE

7 gadgets every man needs in his life

Every man has a set of gadgets they can’t be without. No matter what his profession may be, a man

Culture November 29, 2018 SHARE

Conversations with…Jigger Cruz

Artist Jigger Cruz is no doubt one of my favorites. So I just had to feature him in an installment

Culture October 07, 2018 SHARE

How LA Artist Matthew Adam Ross Finds Control over Chaos

Good artists are few and far between. I know that’s a bold statement but I feel that’s

Culture September 03, 2018 SHARE

How to Sleep Better without Lavender

I recently discovered that there is a corner of the internet dominated by people whispering into

Culture August 02, 2018 SHARE

Breast Behavior: Why I Think The Bottle Is Not The Enemy

This has always been my belief, and every time the issue comes up, someone says I should write about

Culture March 20, 2018 SHARE

Good Luck, Cynthia: What the “Sex & the City” Star’s Run for NY Governor Means

I was quite excited to hear today’s big news: Cynthia Nixon running for New York governor. You