I believe that you should be the most special person in your home. You should treat yourself as you would your favorite guest. Bring out the special plates, set out the finest objects, make the bedroom a sanctuary.
It just makes sense as the home–especially now we’ve spent extended days in it–should be where you feel yourself the most. I’ve approached interior styling this way, for my own abode, and that of my friends who’ve asked for my help. Whatever is in your home should feel genuine to you. It should bring you memories you cherish, it should be full of objects precious to you but also practical enough that you use them every day. Why should something be off-limits to you in your house? Shouldn’t your house be where you are most free?
It is with these thoughts I present “Your Home, Your Rules.” In this section, I share house hacks, entertaining tricks, interior design advice, and the best in decor. Or maybe even just something pretty that may bring a little bit of light to your home.
My interest in interior styling is rooted in my love for all things unique, beautiful, and curious. When I was growing up, I remember two things: How I designed my own room, and how my mother always busied herself with projects at home. My mother even encouraged me to take interior design as my course back then, seeing my fascination for it.
I do have put a disclaimer, however. I didn’t take up interior design. and I will always give credence to the professionals.
As an editor and stylist, I see interiors as an extension of how one can express yourself. If dressing yourself is how you present your individuality to the world, the home is no different. Home is the extension of who you are. It is, after all, where you seek refuge in your dark days, and where you rush to when good news finds you in the world outside. In days between, home is still where you are most relaxed.
Follow @riarecommends for “Your Home, Your Rules.” The first installment is how your cake stand makes for the perfect candle holder.