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Beauty February 22, 2018 SHARE

Dry Only Looks Good for the Desert, Not On Your Skin

No matter how many beauty routines and trends become popular, I believe you can never do without

Beauty December 08, 2017 SHARE

My Go-To After-Party Cleansers

December has just begun, but parties have started to roll out like a Christmas spread waiting to be

Beauty July 21, 2017 SHARE

Five Hand-Care Essentials

Most of us forget that our hands need loving just as much as our face and body do. We ignore the

Beauty July 07, 2017 SHARE

Look Good with Beauty Products that Do Good

Ask my friends—I have insanely high standards when it comes to beauty. Not only should they make

Beauty March 31, 2017 SHARE

It’s Time to Hydrate

Have you been out and about in Manila recently? How did our signature, scorching heat burn your skin

Beauty October 05, 2016 SHARE

Your Dry Skin Could Use These Wonder Oils

Is it just me or is the sun in Manila is a lot less forgiving? With hellish temperatures like ours,