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Beauty February 15, 2019 SHARE

My tricks to ace your eyeshadow

I notice that one of the most challenging parts of the makeup process is perfecting that eyeshadow

Beauty January 23, 2019 SHARE

Men, take a page from Frank Ocean and get serious about skincare

In the past week, we received the best skincare truths from perhaps an unlikely source, R&B/rap

Beauty January 14, 2019 SHARE

What Unisex Self-Care Products Should You Be Stocking Up On?

Not all products are created equal. But some products are for both sexes equally. I’m thinking

Beauty August 31, 2018 SHARE

The right way to care for your skin, at every age

As we get older, our skin changes and becomes more vulnerable to damage. What I was doing in my 20s

Beauty September 08, 2016 SHARE

The Colored Primers You Need to Start Wearing Now

Yes, you read that right—colored primers. No offense to transparent bases, but the way of the